what to expect


What is the Divine Service?

This is going to be a longer explanation, but it’s an important understanding to have. The Divine Service lies at the heart of our mission at Ascension of Christ. In the Divine Service, Christ comes to us with His gifts offering forgiveness, reassurance, strength, and guidance through His Word and Sacraments—Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and Confession & Absolution.

The Lutheran understanding of worship is expressed in the Divine Service. We believe this ancient pattern of worship clearly and beautifully serves to deliver God’s gifts to us. Typical sights and sounds include pastors dressed in colorful vestments and chanted lines from the liturgy. While different hymns and liturgical settings (pattern of the service) may be used, some elements remain. We follow the orders of service and hymns found in The Lutheran Service Book. You will always have these key elements of the service:

  •          Invocation
  •          Confession & Absolution
  •          Scripture Readings
  •          Sermon
  •          Creed
  •          Offering
  •          Communion
  •          The Lord’s Prayer and Prayers of the Church
  •          Benediction

To view a previous Sunday’s bulletin click here.

what to expect cont.


    • We follow the church year and lectionary, which identifies readings (and sermon topics) for every Sunday of the year.
    • Our preaching consistently emphasizes two core messages: the Law (God’s commands, which show us our sin) and the Gospel (God’s promises in Christ, which show us our Savior). Without the Law, there’s no need for a Savior. Without the Gospel, there’s no hope for salvation.


  • What is the music like?

    Ascension of Christ strives to embody the heritage of the Lutheran church as “the singing church”, giving voice to the hymns and anthems which not only praise our Heavenly Father but also remind and instruct today’s Christian on the theology of Christ’s cross and the Savior’s plan for our salvation.  We utilize primarily the Lutheran Service Book for our hymns and liturgy, accompanied by our Mutchler pipe organ.  We also have an adult (age 13 and up) choir and a 4-octave handbell choir, as well as a brass ensemble who play for festival and special services.  Everyone is welcome to sing, ring or play with us; church membership is not required; ability to read music is not required (for choir and bells).  If you've never experienced the joy of praising God through music, we encourage you to give it a try.  You won't be disappointed, as “When in our music God is glorified and adoration leaves no room for pride, it is as though the whole creation cried:  Alleluia!  Alleluia!” (LSB 796).  Please contact the Music Director at any time for more information.

  • Can I take communion?

    We celebrate the Lord’s Supper each week.

    Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 states “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.”

    Because we take Paul’s words seriously, we ask that you speak with our Pastor before communing with us. Please know you are welcome to join us at the rail and cross your arms to receive a blessing. We look forward to the day we can participate in this meal together

  • are kids welcome?

    Our small children aren’t just the future of the church, but they are the church today. We have reserved rows for families of young children near the doors, just in case you need to slip out. They are more than welcome; we encourage you to have them participate!